ASD & Aspergers

At YLYS we focus on supporting each person to live independently within their local community. We want those with ASD and Aspergers to receive the support they need and to be valued within a society which is understanding and accepting.  

We can help focus on the things that matter in addition to some of the wider possible issues.  For example, effective communication, self-care, living skills, social networks, work, relationships, managing mental health, addictions and dependency, personal finances, responsibilities, identity and self-esteem, trust and hope.

     We aim to ensure consistency of approach and successful achievement of outcomes, through a process of defining, recording and measuring outcomes which are embedded into a daily routine.

    These include:

    • Detailed and specific structures to achieve social interaction, communication and independence skills,
    • Highly planned and structured activities,
    • Consistency and stability for the individual in their environment and in all communications,
    • Continuous motivation and positive interaction,
    • Specialised training for our support team,
    • Access to sensory environments.

    Dementia & Alzheimers

    At YLYS we offer support to users with Alzheimer’s and Dementia and their families.

    We can also assist in attendance to a selection of ‘Mind Cafes’. In fact, the Bolton Dementia Support Charity is situated very close to our new offices at:

    Bolton Dementia Support
    Registered Charity No. 112377
    Carers Resource
    Thicketford Centre
    Thicketford Road
    Bolton BL2 2LW

    Tel: 01204 386 696

    Here they hold support groups for those cared for and the carers themselves running parallel, providing information and advice based and an opportunity to meet other carers to share experiences and coping strategies. The parallel activity session for the person living with dementia might involve the use of reminiscence boxes or other activities designed to meet their specific needs of.

    In addition to this, there are other regular groups which we help our service users attend:

    Monday 2 pm – 4 pm at The Victoria Hall, BL1 2AS (Bolton town centre).

    Tuesday 2 pm – 4 pm at Horwich RMI Club, Chorley New Road BL6 5NH (on the main bus route between Bolton and Horwich)

    Wednesday 2 pm – 4 pm at Bar Lane Bowling Club, Ivy Bank Road (off Bar Lane)

      Complex Health Needs and Managing Challenging Behaviour

      We have an excellent reputation for delivering high quality services in these areas.  In cases where a person may have become marginalised by their complex needs, we succeed with a consistent approach to remaining focused on the individual as a person.  We communicate openly, honestly and fairly and work to create an effective partnership with family, other carers, day services and any other agencies involved.

      How could we help you?

      Through developing behavioural support strategies, in partnership with community behavioural support teams and other health professionals.  Our support aims to maximise independence, choice and being in control of the decisions – Your Life … Your Support.

      We develop an understanding of what is important to the individual and what they are trying to communicate or achieve through their behaviour, support them towards developing and maintaining coping strategies.  We also plan for clearly structured interventions when inappropriate or challenging behaviour occurs, providing the individual and their families with emotional and practical support.

      We aim to develop and promote:

      Independent living skills,
      Robust circles of support and advocacy,
      Best use of mainstream community resources,
      Access to and use of assistive technology,
      Reducing inappropriate behaviours,
      Moving on and transition to less supported services where appropriate.

      Empowerment and support with decisions
      Dignity, through the tools and channels to communicate effectively with others.

      Being in partnership alongside health professionals and agencies, to create a Health Action Plan, linking into outcomes identified within the individual’s support plan, risk assessment, behavioural management plan (where relevant) and communication passport.

      Specific support we can offer:

      Assistance with taking medication,
      Addressing social issues or practical problems relating to complex health needs,
      Utilising individual and group therapies, including alternative therapies,
      Use of practical aids 
      Assistance with registration – for example the GP, Dentists and services, such as occupational therapy, physiotherapy, behavioural teams, community nursing, chiropody, ophthalmologist and dietetics.
      Encouragement towards a healthy lifestyle through exercise, health improvement and healthy eating programmes.