Governing Bodies

Governing Bodies

Your Life Your Support is currently regulated by: Care Quality Commission The above regulatory body provides guidance in the form of standards, and all reflect the need to involve people in decision-making. Your Life Your Support meets industry standards and...
Governing Bodies

Quality Assurance

We always seek to ensure you get the best possible care. Staff undertake quality assurance visits and quality control checks. These visits enable us to improve services by acting upon your feedback. Annually the Service Manager or Senior Care Worker will visit you to...
Governing Bodies

Career Opportunity – Community Support Worker

Community Support Worker Advert Job Description: What people admire about you? You are: flexible hardworking able to use your initiative able to work as part of a team able to work independently positive with a ‘can-do’ attitude trustworthy a great...
Governing Bodies

Introducing our new Administration Team

Your Life Your Support are pleased to welcome our new office based Administration team to the new offices at Thicketford Road. The appointment of these new staff members is to provide enhanced support to our Service Users and their families in managing the booking,...
Governing Bodies

“Good” News for Your Life Your Support

Staff at Your Life Your Support are celebrating as an inspection by the Care Quality Commission has judged them as “good” across all areas. The results, which follows the investigation in January judged the domiciliary care agency as safe, effective and caring and...